
For some reason, Kubuntu 22.04 only detects the lowest supported resolution(at 600x400 ) 😔 One needs to set this through xrandr from the terminal.

To learn more about this issue, follow through this main Ubuntu issue thread for further pointers: .

Set your desired resolution and other config options as per your display name.

  1. create a new mode:

    cvt 1366 768 60

    This command generates a Modeline for a 1366*768 resolution at 60Hz.

    Once you have that, copy the output starting from “Modeline” (excluding the word “Modeline”) up to the end.

    1. add new mode to xrandr:

      xrandr --newmode <paste the modeline here>
    2. Add this new mode to your display:

      xrandr --addmode <your display name> 1366x768_60.00
    3. Lastly set this new mode to your display:

      xrandr --output <your display name> --mode 1366x768_60.00

    Display name can be obtained by running xrandr from the terminal.


The xrandr changes for some reason are not permanent and are lost on reboot. Open a PR to add persistence to xrandr changes. The steps can be converted to a simple bash script an example being this set-resolution-kubuntu

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