
What’s ADHD?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, which are pervasive, impairing, and otherwise age inappropriate. Some individuals with ADHD also display difficulty regulating emotions, or problems with executive function.." Read More

It is less talked about. For, example Kanye West has ADHD disorder and openly admitted it. If you are reading this article chances are you’ve experienced the signs described above. This article provides tips I’ve adopted to combat the above effects(no therapy, I don’t do therapy)

Discipline over motivation. Focus on your systems.

1. Planning

Plan everything. Cooking dinner? Put it in a brief list and follow that list. Working on a feature? Put it in a simple list. I’ll add apps that also help with planning. I find it more productive to work on one high-priority task and one less-priority task than juggle 10 activities and end up not being productive. Multitasking is a paradox.

2. Strategizing and leveraging on “hyperfocus”

Sometimes we go from high-energy days to days that you can even power your computer, leave alone do some work. We’ve all been there. I discovered a little trick: Tap into the power of ADHD and make more out of it. When energy days come, I put 500% energy(with minimal distractions) into a project and wind up on it. It does not have to be perfect. Get a feature to work then do some cleaning up.

3. Have a work-life balance

I find it better not to push too hard or do a little of something you like the most. There has to be some balance. I recently joined the Parish choir as a way to have a balance between what I mostly and connect more spiritually. Pushing too hard kills the psyche as you draw much energy within a short time leading to burnout.

4. Practise meditation

Practicing mindful meditation helps a lot. Meditation helps one reflect a lot to reflect a lot and do self evaluation.

5. Join ADHD-awareness groups

Joining ADHD meetups helps a lot. Connecting with people helps a lot as people share their experiences which helps a lot. One biggest mistake is confusing ADHD with “depression” or mental health issues. ADHD is different as it doesn’t particularly interfere with how we carry on with day to day to activities.


If experiencing the effects of ADHD, one should learn to tap into and leverage the “hyperfocus” moments that ADHD sometimes exhibits. Therapy might not be a great idea as our bodies ought to be as natural as possible(not in the anti-vaxxer sense), hence minimizing the need to take drug “x” to cure ailment “z” unless one has to due to a natural cause.