1. How To Ignore Certain Files When Using Prettier

    Learn how to set prettier to ignore certain files

  2. How To Integrate Eslint + Prettier In A Project

    Learn how to set up Eslint + Prettier for linting and formatting

  3. How to fix Failed to resolve the Android SDK path error in Expo

    Learn how to resolve missing Android SDK path in expo

  4. How to disable TypeScript check for an entire file

    Learn how to disable TypeScript check for an entire file

  5. How to work with git submodules

    Learn how to initialize and use git submodules in a project

  6. How to fix dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied

    article brief description

  7. Python Dictionaries

  8. How to set up a virtual environment for a Python project

  9. How to use the typeof operator in JavaScript

    Learn how to use typeof in determining type of values

  10. Picking up new skills

    Tips on picking up new skills in software development