1. Introduction to JavaScript Code formatting and style guides

    Learn about code formatting

  2. Converting a number to a string

    Number to string conversion

  3. Introduction to JavaScript Arrays

    Learn how to use Arrays in JavaScript

  4. ES2015(ES6) Classes

    Learn about Classes

  5. Truthy and Falsy values in JavaScript

    Learn about the concept of Truthy and Falsy values

  6. Introduction to JavaScript Strings

    Learn about strings and template literal

  7. ES2015(ES6) Template Literals

    Learn about Back-Tics used to define template literals

  8. ES2015(ES6) Default function parameters

    Learn about default function parameters introduced in ES6

  9. ES2015(ES6) Rest function parameters

    Learn about default function parameters introduced in ES6

  10. Introduction to JavaScript Arrays

    Learn about Arrays and posibble operations to manipulate Arrays